Monday, November 22, 2010


moral of da story: bes!

heeyaa.. cube teke cube teke aku kt mane skg?? haa.. xtau laa tuh.. ngeehee.. aku kt HUKM okey! duk menyemak kt umah pipa.. hahah.. sian dier tepkse mengadap muke aku tyme tyme exam da dekat.. duk gn dier, mmg kurang mkn! (bru aku tau npe dier kurus).. ----> boley jd idol kurus aku! hahah..

btw, spent tyme kt sinih aku da terdedah semula kt terms biology yg da lame aku tgl kan.. wht wht wht? joint? muscle? bone? pubix? skeletal? aspirin? oh may!!! ol those words da lame aku xjumpe tau(since study limkokwing).. ngahahah.. now, jejak kasih okey! rindu jgk laa kt lyfe mase lalu.. bak kate ain"apesal laa ko tglkan dunie sc fana".. homaigod laling! wht kind of question yg ko bg kt aku nih? hahah.. xpela.. aku folow art flow.. korang maintain kt sc kay.. bye bye dunie sc.. kite xley jd partner awk da.. kire okey laaa kite lawat jgk awk nih tau.. lame da xdenga kaba awk, biology.. wuwuwuwu.. okey okey.. xley nk cite pnjg kt sinih.. aku upload pics kt HUKM je laa ea..:D..


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