Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tikam diri sendiri lajulaju

moral of da story: haiyohhhh!

bila baca balik entry entry aku yang dlu. tetiba rse nk jerit kat diri sendiri kuat kuat & nyaring-----> hoiiiii. apebenda yg ko mengarut kat blog ko nih fanaaaaaa! hahaha. bese laa. maybe sb blog nih wujud tyme aku muda remaja (ewahhhh), so that's the reason why blog nih kelihatan sangat EMOSIIIIIII. hahhah. gelak gelak setan untuk diri, untuk semua fans(gaya artis), sorie sb blog nih kelihatan sgt emosi. no worries, lepas nih blog nih akan kelihatan sgt dewasa(seiring dgn kedewasaan aku)...:D *tuh pon kalo dewasa laa............... eh, tapi sori laa bhai! ko takyah nk perasan lebat lebat. blog ko takde org baca pun!!!! 0.O'.. ko ingat ko FATIN LIYANA ASRI?

boooooooooooooooo. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lg panjang untuk diri sendiri lg sekali. byeeeeeeeee!

Gelak setan kuat kuat untuk diri sendiri. kahkahkahkahkahkah

booooooooooooooooooooo. xde org pun baca blog ko laaaaa. godailaaaa

Monday, October 1, 2012


moral of da story: rindu nk blogging blogging. ewahhh

okay. fine. aku admit. tyme study dlu mmg duk ghajin hapdet blog nih.(even xde benda ilmiah pun kat dlm blog nih) ngahahaha. tp, dulik hape laa kan. aku yg tulis(ke taip?), so WHATEVERRRRR *dgn slang yg tersangat gedik.. euwwwww* n even dis tyme pun, xde benda pun nk di share kan together gather..okay. since aku da kje kat awani, jum laa kite interview diri sendiri dgn soalan yg ..ermm i thought.... WHATEVERRR again. hoi, apekehal gedik sgt nih. godailaa fana!

how's ur life now?
hihihihi*sambil tersipu sipu*. okay laa. but. quite tired.. kne masak,kne kemas rumah, kne travel pegi kje jauh jauh, kne layan perangai ktm yg selalu delay (annoyed giler),kne layan diri sendiri yg mabuk mabuk ayam nih. fuhhhhhh.

hahahah. actualy, life b4 n after kawen xdela byk beza pon.bezanye aku da pregnant!penat hoi. apesal xbeza? suke ati aku laa aku nk ckp beza ke tak! *emo*.. haahah. xlaa.maybe sb husband aku,xdelaa rse mcm org tua sgt even da, advice aku kat sinih, kawen laa dgn org yg lebih muda. so that, xdelaa rse tua sgt. kahkahkah(gelak setan). skg, kalo ade probs WAJIB share. kalo dlu b4 kawen, aku malas nk pk pasal probs laa kan.(tipuuuuu)dat's why blog nih xpenuh dgn bebelan.(sarcastic). hahahah. actualy rindu kut nk mcm dlu. duk satu rumah ramai2. bila lapar mkn maggie(takyah masak utk org lain), mengumpat ramai2, cite cite pasal crush, pasal esaimen, pegi event under university. okay rindu!

bes x da kawen?
apehal tanya? nk rse, kawen ah! hahahha. okay laa.(kalo xgado). kahkahkah*gelak setan lg sekali*..
bezanya skg nih ade housemate lelaki.nama pun lelaki, so, kalo lepas bukak bju, sesuke je letak bju kt sofa, rumah besepah pun buat kool je, tgk tv nk kene layan cerita beliau i mean action muvie----> pastuh start laa aku membebel n mengomel laju laju. sampai telinga dier pedih. hahahhaha. sape suh kawen dgn aku*keji

actualy, nex week adik sepupu aku plan nk pegi cameron. tetibe dier kata cancel. sadissssssssssssssss. +.+'
(okay out of topic)..

makin lama aku kat sinih makin merepek. so, live your life everybody! *sambil rse diri ats stage* :D
sekian. BYEEEEE.

 bajet romantik kan gamba canih? hahahhaha

nampak x betapa annoying nye muka husband aku?so, bila nk mrh dier buat muka canih, mmg xjd nk mrh aku akan GELAK SETAN. kahkahkah

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


moral of da story:malas.+.+ fine fine fine! da lama tak hapdet.. now, dlm mood counting days. just left 45 days to my big days. unbelievable. hohoh. aku muda lg bhai! kahkahkah. haishhhh. what a life! after dis raye da kne duk pk nk gilir gilir segala. pheuwww. tp,still bley rye dgn kwn kwn sekolah mcm tahun sebelum nih. kdg kdg mcm tak cye semua nih. sekelip mata je.. tadaaaaaa. jadi! betul laa. kun fayakun. kalau Allah kata jadi, maka jadi laa.even akal kata" mustahil mustahil mustahil".. ye, tiada apa yg mustahil bg Allah.huh.moga ikatan cinta, mekar selepas kahwin. fuhh. ayat takyah nk telenovela sgt laa pun. hahah. ya Allah, redhai kami. segala jalan yg telah Kau permudahkan ini, moga sentiasa di bawah rahmat Mu. hidup, mati, rezeki, aku hampar pada MU. aminnnn. i wish, we cud be a better muslim after marriage syg. i can promise u nothing. i just can pray that Allah will always help us in any situation. i'll be by urside no matter what. can u be my imam for 5 times prayer? can u hold my hand n walk together to reach Allah? can i lean on ur soulder when i need strength? you! the man that Allah sent to me. hold my hand, and lets walk together. you! the man that i trust to replace Ayah as my first man. You. the best thing had ever happened to me. and YOU, mohammad rizal are the man who will be the father of my kids. insyaAllah. barakallahulana.

Monday, February 20, 2012


moral of da story: =.='

yeeee. now, aku da faham. kenapa orang kata bertunang itu byk dugaan. hohoh. antara consequence nye:

  • menjadi semakin mengada ngada. sikit sikit nk tacing. pffft. never be like dis before n never thought to be dis. +.+
  • semakin sensitif. hahhaha. gedikkkk.
  • semakin faham makna 'jeles'. at the end, i made my own conclusion. "jeles tuh tanda syg? oh tidak. jeles tuh tanda SAKIT HATI". rse dier macam nak kunyah org hidup hidup(macam kunyah sirih). annoyed giler. selalunye, aku akan buat(dier taktau) :bagi jelingan maut sedas then dalam hati whispered "nyampahnyeeeeee, jeles laa sengettttt".
hahah. owh, maybe nih semua sb aku kurang matang. err. okay. fine.
gambar takde kene mengena.kbye

Saturday, December 10, 2011

my big day!

moral of da story:moga dipanjangkan jodoh

alhamdulillah. unexpected, at dis age, 21st i mean, i am planning for my big day(akad nikah). bila parents da restu, so what we are waiting for kan? kalo bercinta lama lama pon, buat tambah dosa, maksiat pesume. so, now, peeps, plis do pray for us. majlis akad nikah will be held asap. insyaallah end of dis year jugak. tgk laa, my dad punya decision macam mane. doakan kebahagiaan kami hingga ke anak cucu. do pray for us to have kiut miut kiddo, soleh n solehah. hey, mr.HOUSEMATE, i neva feel what i feel now! neves to be yours forever. sy nk awak jadi imam dalam 5 waktu solat, jadi suami yg baik untuk sy n ayah terbaik for our kids soon. the times will come n i'm waiting for that anxiously! I LOVE YOU, for this life n life after like seriusly! for my dad, i do luv u till d end though i'm not yours anymore soon.

dear, may Allah bless us! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

never know

moral of da story: plis heal

  • no one knows how hurt it is when da person u loved plan his/her future and u surely know u aren't part of their plan.
  • u can juz only smile when u still stay by da person u love, while u know at d end u never been part of him/her.
  • it's hurt to bite da reality, but we need to chew it though it's bitter.
  • sumtimes u juz get confused either it's worth for u sacrificed everything u have for sumone u loved when he/she is not even yours.
  • everything was planned by HIM. sumone told me to improve myself, and he does da same thing too. :')